Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's pathetic, I know

I am trying to get caught up. Things are crazy as of late, so blogging as taken a back seat. Enjoy!

Our cute Halloween pumpkin!

One of our pretty Chickens. They love wandering around our backyard, scratching and exploring. They are so fun!
We have two trees on the backside of our house along the highway. They dump a majority of their leaves into our backyard. We tackled the raking before is rained the other day. So fun!
Jill and leaves

She has to have all her animals when she sleeps.
Gary turned 32 this week. Like my candles........
Gary Dad and his deer Craig Colorado
Gary and his deer Craig Colorado. A funny thing...... When Gary and Gary Dad were crossing the border from CO into WY, the game wardens stopped them to check out the deer. Gary forgot to keep the deer "man parts" and so they both got 70 $ tickets. OOPS!
Girls went to see Disney princesses on ice with Grandma and I. Such a fun day!
Our cute pumpkin!
Daddy and Jill at the pumpkin patch.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gary's Deer

Gary has been Hunting many times. He has gotten several deer outside of CA. This is the first deer Gary has gotten in CA in his Life!! He was very excited!! One hunting trip down, two to go!

It's been a while.

Life has gone from boring to ULTRA BUSY!

It has been quite the change. It is rewarding. Time goes by much faster. And I have to keep a calendar so I don't forget the many things I have to do each day.

But I live for Tuesdays. We have no where to be. I can hang out with my cute little girl. I can get caught up on laundry, emails, and cleaning. I can stay in my jammies, play princess, and dance.
My little one is asleep, so I had better get this post done before she wakes.

Several months ago, Gary and I started to research about having backyard chickens. We have talked to several people, read countless websites. So we have started our new hobby. Last Saturday we purchased Chicken Little and Baby Chicken (these are their names, but we don't know who is who.) Names picked by Jill. Gary started building there coop. The chickens have been in cages since birth, so they loved being on the grass, scratching, and pecking at the ground. Gary built their coop from an idea in his head. He is amazing. We got two eggs from one chicken on the first two days here. And none until yesterday. We got one. They are very well behaved. Very quiet (thankfully for us and the Marlers) And love to come and greet us when we come out to see them.
We have been trying to train them to walk down their ramp to be on the dirt. This morning one was on the ground and one up in their roost. They were a bit more noisy. I think they are sad when separated. So I took Jill's little broom and tried to shoo it down the ramp. Instead it flew out of the coop right at me. I screamed, Jill laughed, and we corralled it and got it back into the coop. It was pretty funny. I think this is going to be fun.

Just starting to build
Almost done!
Chicken Little and Baby Chicken
Our first Egg!
This is the roosting boxes, so we just lift and reach into grab eggs
A roosting box
The bottom story of their house
All done, It is even plastered! Gary is planning on painted the foam trim and doors.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

feeling blessed

Looks like Audrey is tickling Jill........

Last night Katie and Eric got to go see Jason Mraz, a pre-baby date. It was going to be pretty late, so we put this kiddos to bed. Jill has been asking all day, "Where did Audrey and Jack go?" I have had to repeat myself multiple times, saying they went home. I think she thinks there are supposed to be living with us now.......

Today has been a long day. Good and long.

I am sitting here playing a game on the computer trying to get sleepy to go to bed. Jill is still awake and I am listening to her talk to her toys and "read" her books. Now she is whining saying she wants Daddy.......

I am listening to Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They are my favorite.
Consider the Lilies and I believe in Christ are my favorites.

This week has been a bit stressful and has worn me down. Gary's work has been a bit stressful as well. I was feeling particularly sorry for myself and down in the dumps. As I was feeling this way, I got a call that a woman in our ward was in the hospital. Now this isn't just any woman, this is who my husband would also call his Grandma. Her name is Leafy Gardner. I love her name.

I went to visit her. It was a 2 hour visit. I was enveloped by her love, her spirit and her knowledge. There were several times where I was in tears by some of the counsel she gave and the responses she gave to some things we have been going thru. She told me how much she loved me and Gary. She talked of the love she has for her family and her husband. I love her stories about growing up, eating everything on her plate because you never knew when there would be more food and having to do her homework by a kerosene lamp, so she is used to the dark. I could see she was getting tired but I didn't want to leave.

I came away from the visit believing I was on the receiving end more than she. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Great weekend!

Happy birthday to my 3 year old! Can't believe it! She is three!

When she turned one I was sick, and also at three. THis year was just a bad cold. When she was one *WARNING* we went to pick up her cake and I had to stop and throw up in the bushes...... It is not so fun trying to plan and carry out when you feel miserable! But It was fun. You kind of forget your misery and have a good time.

We had two parties, one on Friday night with all of our family. It was great to have everyone together. We have a great family!

We had our first kid party for Jill. We weren't going to do it, then about a week before Gary helped me change my mind. We had 8 little girls over. we decorated cookies and Katie painted their faces. Then we opened presents and ate cake. They were full from eating cookies, so not much cake was eaten. So cute! Then they went and played in Jill's room. It was simple and fun, a bit busy at times. But I'm glad we did it. I am very grateful for Mom, Terry, Katie, and Gary who helped!

Fun times. How I love my little girl! She is such a blessing in our lives.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gone private again....

Thank you to my friend Jackie to remind me to go private on my blog. so you may have to sign in to see this.

Tomorrow my baby turns three.
I am very excited for this birthday weekend. She gets to celebrate three times. At school, with family, and with friends. I think I am more excited then she is. I love the planning and preparation. However, this year, I have had a horrible cold. So my last minute prep is not getting done. Gary has kindly picked up the slack. So tomorrow things will be decorated and sanitized, ready for the fun to begin!

Look below of Gary and I at MY THIRD BIRTHDAY!

Our three year old.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Busy, busy, bees

We've had a couple of great weeks. I've missed blogging, so I will do a quick one. These are backwards in order, but they are still fun.

Rolling down hills are the best!
In Cinderella's carriage......... not really, but it was sure nice!
Just plain nasty, the snake, not my cute girl!
Best buddies
Just love this..........
my fearless child, at the fair
Jill just loves cows!
PLaying with rice hulls with Reece
Our hike with the Wetencamps and Hunters, 5 miles up hill, it killed me, but it was so fun!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A new hobby.....

For those of you in RS on Sunday, you don't need to read any further....... unless you want to.

Two weeks ago Tuesday, I was feeling a little blue, probably hormonal, but nonetheless, I was throwing myself a pity party. Gary got home from work and after dinner we got into a bit of a discussion. Gary likes to hunt and fish, and I am glad he has those outlets to de-stress. I was telling him I wish I had something to help me "escape" from life. It boiled down to: I need a hobby.

And the following Tuesday I received my new "hobby." I will be serving the women in our ward (geographical area of our church in our town) as a Relief Society President. This is a huge responsibility and I am very humbled that the Lord would have me do this. I know it will be fun, rewarding, hard work, and time consuming.

What a better hobby to have, than serving others.

These girlies crack me up:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What a Thriller.........

I remember being a young girl, probably 8 or 9. Just falling asleep.......
In comes my dad, saying, "Amy wake up!"
I was bleary eyed.
"What Dad?"
"Come in here and watch the tv!"
There was Michael Jackson, singing on MTV, which was a brand new tv station!
It was the Billie Jean music video. Dancing on the lit-up side walk, with the leaves blowing in the breeze.

I will never forget it. This is where my interest in pop music culture began.

I begged for the Thriller album. My parents got it for me. It was treasured.

I was sad yesterday watching bits and pieces of the memorial. I have been listening to he music all week.

I love his music.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th

We had a great day!

Gary got to go fishing.

Jill took a great nap, so I got to watch a movie. When she woke up, we went to the ranch for swimming and food.

Then went to the Murdoch Court party! So fun, thanks guys! Jill loved "marching" in the parade.

Then to Grandma and Grandpa's house for fireworks! It was a lovely day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Crazy Camping Trip!

We had a few days off, so we took advantage of it. We decided to go camping at the beach. We left Friday afternoon, traveled to south of Monterey, and there were no campsites to be found, all full. We went to at least ten campgrounds. We ended the night is a cheap Motel 6, and continued our quest the next day.

Day 2-- We went to Pismo Beach/Oceano dunes, which is a HUGE place, again campground full. We did stay there for a few hours, had lunch and played in the water. We had a very anxious girl, who was ready for the beach!!! On to Morro Bay, nothing. We ended up 25 miles north of Santa Barbara at Lake Cachuma. (Coincidently, down the street from Neverland ranch) It was a place I don't care to go back to. When I picture camping, I think of mountains, trees, cooler weather, a lake or river to play in. This place was the exact opposite. It was 100 degrees. We did have shade, but many others did not. There was a lake but you couldn't go swimming in it, due to it being used for human consumption, yet fishing boats could be in it. It was ridden with squirrels. Yet it was camping, we got to have a fire, roast marshmallows, play games, climbed trees, etc. It was fun.

Day 3-- we headed back north on PCH1 and decided we would stay at the first campground we found. We stayed at San Simeon state park, just south of Hearst Castle. It was great. We got to camp near the beach and go play, it was cool weather. It was perfect! We had a great weekend.

Camping is the way to go for a cheap and fun vacation. Pull stuff out of the cupboards and freezer. Gary keeps all his camping gear ready (i.e. stove, plates, matches, Sleeping bags) We just open a cupboard and put it in the truck. YET, we learned you HAVE TO HAVE RESERVATIONS at least 2 days in advance in California.

Pictures are not in order.....

Gary is our master chef!

Pretty girl loved the beach

Mommy and Jill posing for Dad, proof I was there too!

Jill would not wait for a swimsuit, so she went in her clothes! Gary too!

She is so precious!

Our campsite at Lake Cachuma

She's so proud of her castle!

Julia Pfieffer Burns State Park, A must see on PCH1, Much prettier when the sun is out!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Number 200

This is my 200th post. This is a bittersweet post.

I just found out about two jobs, I was hoping for, are not going to work out.  I am very disappointed.  I have been feeling this wasn't the path for me (to go back to work full time) but it is still very hard to deal with.  Pride gets in the way.  The construction world and teacher world are just not the professions to be in right now, especially in California.   So I don't know what is going to happen.   I know we will be blessed.  But I feel it is still our responsibility to do all we can.  I will be researching other possibilities for the next little while.  

In the mean time I get to be with this little girl.  She is such a joy.  I tried doing her hair like my cousin Steph and sister Katie did with their little girls.  As you can see we were very successful!