Monday, March 23, 2009

Jill's first time at Disneyland

We had a blast. Great fun, great family, unforgettable trip.

Jill loved the fast and higher rides, her faves were the Matterhorn and the rockets. We went to the princess fair and while in line she saw the girls coming out with theirs faces painted. We walked over to look and the samples, she loved this cat one (Marie from Aristocats) I asked her if she wanted one, and in a whisper she said yes. I was a bit nervous for her to sit still thru this. It was amazing, she was so still. And to see her reaction to seeing her self, it was classic. Throughout the rest of the day she sat in her stroller and Meow-ed to everyone. It was the best 12 bucks I spent in Disneyland. Sooooo worth it!. She kept looking at herself in our sunglasses. She loved being a kitty. The next day, so kept asking where did the kitty go, since it had been washed off during her bath. So sad. It was so fun. Disneyland is a whole other experience with your child, so special.


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness - how fun! Jill is so so so cute! Seeing those pictures makes me very excited for Paige's first Disneyland trip.

jennsekona said...

looks like you guys had so much fun! I love disneyland so much more watching my they get older and get to go on bigger and faster rides, the wide eyes and magic are unforgetable!

Stacey said...

How fun!! This makes me want to go so bad! Cute jilly!

The Valks said...

Jill with her "kitty cat" face is classic! I love is the best to watch children's faces at Disneyland! So much fun!

The Valks said...

Jill with her "kitty cat" face is classic! I love is the best to watch children's faces at Disneyland! So much fun!

Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

that looks like such a fun trip! jill's kitty face is the cutest thing i have ever seen!