Friday, March 13, 2009

The cat

My wonderful sister Christy bought my little girl a stuffed toy cat given to her at our baby shower.  It was so cute.  It sat in her crib while she was really little.  Then around the age of 1, Jill became quite attached. Now at 2 1/2, we can't go any where without the cat. We have tried leaving it home, leaving it in the car, saying cat is tired, etc.  But she still will always ask where it is, and sometimes whine, then cry for it.  It is known as cat, no special name for this sweet member of our family.  

Lately the cat is starting to look a bit sad.  Fur is matted, the stuffed body has gone limp. The plastic eyes have scratches with bouts in the washing machine. Whiskers are gone.  Cat been washed and hung out to dry practically every week since the attachment, especially because of its whiteness.  I went to trusty ebay to search for "Animal Alley" white cat, luckily the tag is still there, but barely visible.  There were several for sale.  One being as high as $39!  I opted for the buy it now for 9.99.

When it arrived, Jill was asleep.  I thought it would make a great surprise when she woke.  But to my astonishment, when I showed it to her, she just laughed and laughed.  What?  No shouts of rejoicing for a newly replaced toy.  No cuddling this soft, plump feline.  Nope.  Old cat is just fine. New cat went up on a shelf, for one day when old cat is no longer viable.  


Stacey said...

haha Amy that is so funny!! Of course she doesnt want the new cat! Kylee has a stuffed bear just like that...the tail fell off, Ive re-stuffed it...its a sad sad looking bear. But thats the best kind!

Alyse Burt said...

We have similar toys only they are called "oo Oo's" Cameron has a monkey that he somehow chewed most of the fur off of, Lyndsey has a bear missing an ear and arm and Katie's is a white bunny. I hate to write this on a public forum but do you remember the blanket I had in college? I think "cat" is cute! She probably thought you were so funny introducing a new fluffy cat, as if the old one isn't perfect :)

Lara said...

That's cute! Steven has his puppy and I accidentally left it in the cart at walmart. It was gone. So we went to Toysrus to get a new one and said puppy found his way back and got a bath. I'm pretty sure he knows but we all pretend that's what happened.

Katie said...

Cat! lol I can't believe it! How cute.