Sunday, December 14, 2008

Crazy weekend

Well Gary and I and our committee got through the ward party. We figured we fed 260 people. We decorated on Friday, then got up early Saturday to go cook for our christmas breakfast. It took longer than expected to cook the food, so that wasn't fun. But everyone said it was a great party. Everyone loved Santa. So over all it was great. During the week prior to the event, I was a bit stressed and didn't sleep much, and came down with a cold. Then it just got worse yesterday after the party was over, thankfully! I slept a little while yesterday, then got up, and with Gary's help, cleaned out my car which was FULL of stuff from the party. I went to bed, gary let me sleep in, and I woke up feeling worse. So we opted to stay home from church today. I am still feeling lousy, but a bit better after some rest and relaxation. We even got some carolers!!! It was wonderful! I just hope that this isn't a trend for ward parties..... you know, stressing out, not sleeping, then getting sick. ;-)


Mommy Madness said...

I'm sorry you are sick. I was really bummed to not be able to go to the party, but Abby has been sick and I didn't think she'd be very comfortable if we left home. I love the holiday season, but HATE that it's cold/flu season!