Sunday, July 15, 2007

Explanation of slide show

Well Scott got married this last week and we traveled to Fresno for their wedding and reception in Visalia. It was a wonderful and HOT day! Then Monday we discovered that Jill has Thrush! NOT GOOD! She has been a pretty sad little girl all week, her poor little voice is so hoarse! Since she has been trying to walk, the VERY close up shot is of her first FAT lip where she banged it on a toy as she toppled. THe wedding pics are of the Oakdale reception, where I have to say, my mother-in-law is so talented. She designed the decorations, flower arrangements, everything. It was sooo nice. You'll see Jill dancing with Grandpa, and hanging with Daddy since Mommy had to take pictures and video. Scott and Andrea (on-drea) are happily settled in Oakdale. They make a cute pair!


A. Hunter said...

poor jill! I hope she's feeling better soon. Very cute pics from the reception. I love Jill sleeping on Gary's shoulder. Sooooo cute!