Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lazy evening

Actually it hasn't been lazy, but I have be able to do things that I want to do, rather than laundry and things like that. Jill went to bed early, Gary is on his way to Oregon, so I have been organizing drawers, watching TV, chatting with Steph online. Lots of fun stuff. I am tired though, Jill has a bit of a cold and didn't sleep very well last night, and has been fussy all day. I hate it when you can't quite tell what is wrong with her. It makes me feel so bad that I can't make it all better! I wish she could talk, but then that would mean she is older, and I love where she is right now. But I hope she feels better! I love my little girl

My poor Mom. Jill with a cold and Reece teething makes a big handful for her! I am so ready for Spring Break (starts Apr 6) I have tons of projects to do! Can't wait! Well I think I am going to hit the hay! Ta-Ta

Gary has my camera, so I have no pics today! :-(


Stephanie said...

Do you have any fun plans for Spring Break?

Amy said...

nope just hanging out. I am going to get my garden in, wash the windows, go through drawers, lots of "fun" stuff.