Saturday, November 15, 2008

Baking, Friends and Fun

Jill has discovered the art of baking. (thanks to Grandma Gayle who has had the kiddies helping her baking cookies and pies) So she wants to help me all the time. So we made cookies on a boring friday night.

Enjoying the almost finished product

Our friend Hailey came over to play and they played dress up! So fun!

Relaxing with some Lil' Einsteins after a hard day. Love this girl so much!!


Stephanie said...

She is SO SO SO cute! Getting to be so grown up!

Steck family said...

Amy she such a cutie!!!! Kensie and Jill should have a play day and they can watch their favorite show together!!!

Da Dandy Davis' said...

She is growing up so quickly! What a cutie!