Thursday, October 16, 2008


My husband is on his yearly hunting trip with my camera. In the 24 hours he has been gone, I have had several photo-ops, but no camera. Sad. I just need to chronicle them in writing.

Today Gary called so say he had arrived, and I asked Jill to say "Hi Dad." And out came Hi Dad crystal clear. For those on the inside know that our little Bean has a language of her own. So I was astonished. And when our conversation was done, I again asked, Say goodbye to Daddy, and out came "Bye Dad" and then she proceeded to kiss the phone! Pure Sweetness. This little girl is in love with her Dad. Dad scored huge points when little while later, there was a flower delivery with a balloon (for our Ba-oon addict) from our Daddy/my love. So thoughtful. Dad/G-man, we hope you enjoy your much needed vacation and hope you fill our freezer for the winter. We love you so much.


Katie said...

That pic is so nasty. lol What a good Daddy & hubby!

A. Hunter said...

I love your twisted face! Yeah for photobooth!