Monday, July 21, 2008

Silly Girl

I was cleaning out a drawer standing right next to Jill while she was coloring. Apparently I wasn't close enough!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

It's amazing what kids can accomplish in the few SECONDS that you look away. (: Nancee

Jessica said...

I love the pig tails, it's so fun when they have enough hair to acutally play with it and do fun things. Samnatha ofen uses her body as her canvas. Thanks goodness for washable markers.

The Max Family said...

Jill you and Alexis think a like although at least you used paper and your arm , Lexi just last week colored all over my living room walls with marker!!! They were washable thank goodness so the mess wasn't to bad!!!

you are such a cute girl and growing up way to fast as I am sure your mommy and daddy would agree with me on!!!

Kelly Max

Steck family said...

Amy she really is so so so cute! I love that they have to draw on themselves.