Friday, January 18, 2008

My funny baby

Jill has discovered where the "goldfish" are kept! I love that she looks like she is in hunger agony, but really she is just whining. Notice the ducks unlimited sticker Daddy put on her.

This is jill's snack chair. Whenever it is snack time, that is where she wants it put.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for my great chair, notice it is upside down!

Not only does Jill take her books out and spread then around, but also the DVD's. She will pull them out one by one and then open them, check them out and finally stack them on her lap. So funny. THere is only one DVD that she can actually get out of its case, Minnie and Mickey. So that is good!
But as you can see, she has some great habits!


Stephanie said...

That is so cute and too funny. I am so glad we got to see you for a little bit. Hopefully next time we are here we can do a play date.

Bethany C. said...

Hey Amy! Jill is precious. So good to catch up on your life. Blogging is amazing, isn't it?