Thursday, April 23, 2009

re-committed yet again

I fall off the exercise wagon all the time. so again, I have gotten into a routine. We have moved the treadmill into our family room, much to Gary's dismay (he doesn't like it being the first thing you see when you come into our house). But it has made a huge difference in my motivation and accessibility. Jill can watch cartoons while I run. I also have started doing it in the morning, because by the time the evening comes, I just want to play with my family. It is a great stress-reliever for me to be able to escape from all the crud swirling around. If you have itunes check out Dan Evans "Going All Out- Exercise mix" Great workout song!


jennsekona said...

i fell off the exercise wagon too!! too many visitors and the trip to hawaii and i was done for, but today, i started back up again, went for a 3 1/2 mile walk/jog. i told sipa everyday, i want to work out for an hour and do yard work for an hour. we'll see how it goes, but i'm tired of looking and feeling this way!