Friday, April 24, 2009

Hope you don't mind

Blogger provides a great tool, comparative to Google Reader, to follow blogs. If you look at the bottom of your "dashboard" you see a title called "Reading." THere you can keep track of all of your favorite blogs, so when you want to see if anyone has added anything new, you can just look there. I have noticed as I have looked at others' blogs, they have a box that shows who is following them, on several, I am the only one! I will have you know I am not a stalker or i am not watching your every blogging move. It is just a time saving way to keep up on everyone's lives and not have to take too much time doing it. I love reading what everyone is up to. I am glad that we can keep up with each other since we don't see each other every day!

This is from our evening. Daddy was pretending to be asleep. And don't worry, she didn't get hurt!


The Max Family said...

Gary and Amy, Jill is such a doll and growing up fast It's fun to have blog tehcnoligy so we can all keep in touch no matter how far life takes us from family and friends :)

Kelly Max

the Bachlers said...

First of all, I love to see that someone wants to know if I've blogged lately. Secondly, good to know Jill was OK, how are Gary's cheeks?

Kelly said...

Thanks for that great tidbit of info. I've wanted to do that but didn't ever take the time to figure it out. I'm your newest follower!