Friday, January 26, 2007

Missing Gary again

Gary left today for another trip to Oregon. He will be there until next Saturday, which is my birthday. Hopefully he will be home in time to celebrate! Jill and I will be busy next week with YW's, Breanne's shower, and running errands for Daddy, like picking up his mail and collecting money. So fun! Christy asked me why I didn't enjoy being be myself. I thought sure it is fun for maybe one day. But not for 8 days. The only thing I like about Gary being gone, is that I don't have to fix dinner. We just eat rice cereal for Jill and cereal or a sandwich for me. It is amazing how lonely our house is when someone isn't there! I am sure glad I have Jill and Foxy to keep each other company! That doesn't grammatically sound right but oh well.

In the words of Kip Dynamite: mnpeace nout


Stephanie said...

Hopefully your week goes by quickly. Just do some fun stuff that you normally wouldn't do. :) What does "mnpeace nout" mean?

Amy said...

it is just the way he says it, it sounds weird, like him